Sunday 27 January 2019

Deaf Woman's Journal

Elizabeth Morris

1. Are she born deaf and causes?

Yes, she was born deaf cause of Cell Genes in her family.

2. Did she went to hearing school after Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf?

Yes, she went to Kaiser Elementary School in Old Dayton, Ohio.

3. When did she atended at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf?

She was attended 1989 at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf then she was transferred to hearing get Catholic High School.

4. When did she graduated at Catholic High School?

She graduated at Catholic High School in 1997.

5. When did she graduated at Galluedet University?

She graduated at Galluedet University in 2004.

6. What course did she take?

She took classes for two Majors - Elementary Education and Educational Drama.

7. Where did she learned from Journal?

She wrote any journals, she did a kid (same as diary ). But a an adult, she don't write in Journals.

8. How long have she been involved for Journal?

She never took that course.

9. How long have she been course?

It took her seven years to finish both major's requestment.

10. Why did she take Journal course?

She never took Journal course.

11. Have she been involved anything at Deaf Community?

Lately,  she doing her masters research in live theatres being accessible and inclusive for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Plus she is professional actor
She was a part of three actor's group who will perform in Edmonton, Alberta - for their "Sound Off" Festival.
She was performing at Stratford Festival, in the Summer of 2017 in "The Madwoman of Chaillots ".

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