Sunday 27 January 2019

Deaf Photography #1 from Belleville, Ontario

Emily LaFleur-Brewster

I met her this May 2016 at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf at the cafeteria.

1. Are you born deaf and causes?

Yes, she was born deaf causes

2. When did she attended  at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf?

She was attended  last September 2011 until she was graduated last June 2013.

3. When did she graduated at Loylist College in Belleville, Ontario?

She was graduated this June 2016.

Established: 1967

4. What course did she take?

She was take Photojournalism Program.

5. Why did she take photography course?

She was very Intresting to learn now things photojournalism and met strange people world. It was very challenge and difficult. Also good experience.

6. How long have she take course?

She take course for 3 years.

7. How long have she been photograph business?

She had been her own photograph business since 2018.

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