Sunday 27 January 2019

Deaf Interpreter 1


Robyn Mackie

1. Are she born deaf and causes?

2. Did she went to hearing school?

Yes, she went to hearing school.

3. What name of school?

She went to Queen Elizabeth Senior High School.

4. When did she attended at West Hearing School?

She went attended in 19

5. When did she graduated at Queen Elizabeth Senior High School?

She graduated in 1988.

6. When did she graduated Gallaudent University?

She graduated University of Calgary in 1997.

7. What course did she take?

She take Anthropology course.

8. Where did she take DI course?

9. When and where did she take DI training workshop?

10. Why did she wanted/became DI?

11. How long have she been DI?

12. Have she involved anythings at Deaf Community?

- DI workshops
- Calgary Association of the Deaf  (President 2013 - 2015)
- Centrepointe Theatre for DI (2016 - 2019)
- Silent Voice Canada (2015 - 2020)
- ASL Conbultant for travels in Pembroke, Cornwall and Kingston (2015 - 2020)
- Ottawa Deaf Expo (Chairperson 2018 - 2019)
- ASL Specialist with Atlantic Providces Special Education Authority (2020 - Present)

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