Saturday 25 October 2014

Three Locations

I was lived in Belleville, Ontario for seven years.

In September 1979 - June 1980 I was Day Student lived with my Aunt and Uncle's place at Ameliasburg near Belleville, Ontario.
My School Bus are involved: Diana Algar, Nancy Kelly (Heinen), Walter Hackbarth, Karen Marshell, Sharon Marshell and myself.

After September 1980 I was tranfer to Senior Girl's Residence for 1980 - 1985.
Upstairs: they had each 2 girls share roommates, 2 medium living rooms, kitchen, bathrooms, 4 shower rooms, study room, counsellor's office and supervisor's office.

Main Floor: One of each girl own bedroom, 1 large living room, kitchen, bathroom, shower room and 1 large room are included are living room and bathroom/bedroom (Pre-Grad's room) but was counsellor's office/bedroom.

Basement: game room, visit room (living room), snack bar, laundry room and smoking room.

Every Monday and Wednesday for House League Activities at the gym from 7pm - 9pm.
Every Tuesday and Thursday for Visitor at Senior Girl's or Boy's Residences from 7pm - 9pm.

In September 1985 - June 1986 I was lived in Mathison House.
Upstairs: 1 bathroom, 3 bedrooms for 2 roommates.
Main Floor: kitchen/dining room and living room.

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