Sunday 26 October 2014

Rehearsals/ Awards/ Clubs

Last October after Thanksgiving Day to before Victoria Day I went Bowling League at Brunswick Bowling at the East End Plaza by 2 City Bus in Belleville, Ontario by every Tuesday after school at 3:30pm - 4:30pm.
I got Bowling Award in 1981 - 1982, I got another gift by Jewelry Dish with Lid 1981 for Typing Class from teacher Katharine Mills.
I got Driver Education Certificate in June 1985 from Mr. White.
I got Elementary School Graduation Certificate at Grade 8 in June 10th, 1981. 

I felt more activities/involved at OSD - SJW School in Belleville, Ontario instead Hearing School because they are different events.

I got another Awards 1986 for Senior Home Economics from teacher Mary Lou Wood.
I was involved Fashion Show at the gym in May 3rd, 1984 at 3:30pm from teacher Donna Fano by Sewing class.
It's called Evening Wear that I wore light blue/dark blue housecoat

Last Christmas 1984 I made 4 Cabbage Patch Dolls are all the girls.
On left side doll name is SALLY (mine), second doll name is PAMMY ( my ex-sister-in-law), third doll name is BOBBY JEAN (my youngest sister) and last one  doll name is REBECCA (my middle sister).

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