Monday 20 October 2014

My Deaf Wedding Day


 The Salvation Army Church, 6 Dominion Street 

 My Wedding Day at The Salvation Army Church from 3pm then at Wedding Reception from 6pm in Bracebridge, Ontario.

Bracebridge Memorial Arena, 169          James Street 

He is best husband ever had and never stop love him.

 My Wedding Day Guests
Included are:
 - Peter Virtue (Ex-Reverend)
- Joyce Lang
- Phil Parker (Interpreter)
- Lydia Parker
- Alldyn Clark (Photography)
- Brenda & Brain Crowder (David and Sheri's Parent)
- David Tillet (Usher)
- Sheri Tillet (ASL Sign  Singers)
- Tim Kelly
- Eric Staflund (Best Man)
- Barbara Powell (Eric's Mum)
- Linda Fortus
- Ruth & Martin Fortus (Linda's Parent)
- Kim Blomquist
- Bev Mazurski
- Pat Mazurski (Bev's Mum)
 - Tracy Sood
- Erica Seide-Scott
- Gordon DaDalt
- Dorothy Beam
- Eleanor McPeake
- Lesley & Gord Ingraham
- Ruth Bates (not excepting)

                         Allydn Clark 

                        Business Card 

                       My deaf guests

                        Bev Mazurski 

                           Linda Fortus 

                           Tim Kelly

Kim Blomquist and my Honeymoon Outfit 

Erica Seide-Scott, Bev Mazurski and me

David Tillet (Usher) and Sheri Tillet (ASL Sign Singers)

MY COMMENTS: My Wedding Day missed are Allydn Clark (photography), Phil (interpreter) and his wife Lydna Parker, Dorothy Beam, Eleanor McPeaker, Peter Virtus (ex-miniter) and Joyce Lang
I was supposed invite Jane and Mike Quesnel but he had to work so she decided stay home also I told her why not she join with Linda Fortus and Kim Blomquist with a ride and share a room as well.

               Wedding Invitation Card

          Inside Wedding Invitition Card

             Royal and Pale Blue Napkin

               Reception Ceremonies 

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