Saturday 16 April 2016


Last 1974 - 1975 I was used black headphone with speaker at Bracebridge Public School Bracebridge, Ontario and one of my old teacher Gary Denniss was used microphone also used upstair in living room for TV from second house. It's not very long time but for temporary.

Last August, 1997 I did went to Audiology for hearing test at Elisabeth Bruyere Hospital, 43 Rue Bruyere Street in Ottawa, Ontario.

Last 2008 I went to Audiology for another hearing test at Canadian Hearing Society in Ottawa, Ontario.

That my hearing test sheet last 2008.

This Sunday February 17th, 2019 I went to Costco for my hearing test. 
The Audiology told me that I had profound hearing loss

I asked Audiology can fix my old hearing aid and new hearing aid more higher sounds and voices
The Audiology say they can't fix it at all.

That my hearing test sheet this 2019.

MY COMMENTS: I am disappointed that I can't hear anythings with the sounds and can't hear my voice and my children's voices plus my future grandchildren's voices too but only little bit can hear instead really loud.

I wore hearing aid for 52 years.
I am hearing loss instead hard of hearing since last October 2018 to the future. 

I asked my children: How they feel that their Mum had hearing loss?

MY SON'S COMMENTS: It's normal, it's part of life his Mum can still hear some so it's better than zero. 

MY DAUGHTER'S COMMENTS: She felt sad that her Mum had hearing loss. 

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