Sunday 11 October 2015

Deaf Communication with Hearing Families

                  Ron Carrick (My Dad)

First ASL word: ILY
not involved with Deaf Social
Not interesting learned ASL

Question: I asked my Dad question about why he want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer:  He did not learn ASL and my Mum learned ASL because my ex-husband  was not good at lip reading like me.

My Comments: I sad that my Dad refused learn ASL because let my Mum  doing for it plus my ex-husband James can not lip reading. 
Also he can not communicate with me by ASL and used voice since I was a child to now plus in the future. 

              Lilian Carrick (My Mum)

First ASL words: Shower (ASL) and about "D" (finger spelling) but she kept used middle finger that was funny. ( I never forget that words)
Most Finger Spelling
Any involved: Salvation Army Church at her old house last Summer 1985.

Question: I asked my Mum question about why she want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer:  She learned ASL because my ex-husband James not good at lip reading and she could not talk to him without an interpreter. 

Question : Why not my late friend Alldyn Clark can teach ASL in whole family since I was child.

Answer: She say that he did not want to teach ASL to family. 

Question: How she find at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf ?

Answer : My parent heard about Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf from travelling teacher for the Deaf who (Phyliss MacCallum) came to visit them every two months to see how I were doing.  She told them about Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf. 

Questions: Why not take me to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf first place from kindgerten to grade 7 but I did made it until grade 12 instead Bracebridge Public School in Bracebridge, Ontario. 

Answer: My parent did not send me to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf for kindergarten and up because they thought it best for me be with family and when I was young go to Bracebridge Public School. 
When I got to grade seven it was harder for me so then my parent it best for me to learn High School in deaf school. 

My Comments: She need more learn, improve and skill for education.

Sandra Fitzsimmons ( My Middle Sister)

First most ASL Finger Spelling
Any involved: Salvation Army Church at our parent's house last Summer 1985 when she was 18 years old.

Question: I asked my middle sister Sandra question about why she want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: She learned ASL talk to her oldest sister Pamela  when I went to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in Belleville, Ontario. 

My Comments : She need more learn, improve and skill for education. 

        Linda Kuehn ( My Youngest Sister)

First most ASL
- Any involved: Salvation Army Church at our parent's house last Summer 1985 when she was 13 years old.

Question: I asked my youngest sister Linda question about why she want learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: She learned ASL because her oldest sister Pamela learn it. So she can talk to me better.  She learn with me waiting for the Bus at Hammond Station,  at our parent's home most in Summer time in Bracebridge, Ontario and better when she live with me for a year one year (1989 - 1990) in Ottawa, Ontario. 

Question: Why you want to be teacher for the Deaf?

Answer: She thought she want to be a teacher and she interested in signing language too. However, in Ontario only two places for teacher of School for the Deaf in Belleville, Ontario (Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf ) Milton, Ontario (E. C. Drury School for the Deaf ).  She thought she don't want to live and in only those places. 

Question: When did you graduated at York University?

Answer:  She graduated in June 1994. 

Question: What location are you take to teach class?

Answer: She did not become a teacher because she finished Bachelor of Arts but she need also Bachelor of Education to be a teacher.  She finished Bachelor of Arts  but before she started Bachelor of Education she met a wonderful man,  married him and then she change her plan to be teacher. 

Question: Why you didn't take an apply for a job at school?  

Answer: She not really take classes to learn sign language.  Only at our parent's house with me or with that man who was teacher at Bracebridge Public School  (she forget his name ). She and the man use sign language dictionary and video tapes he had.

My Comments: I am proud of her that she interested learn ASL .
 I can not inspired for her because she do not want become a teacher for the Deaf but I am disappointed. 
If she live in Belleville or Milton for a jobs because I ALWAYS  went to Sir James Whitney for the Deaf, Belleville for Deaf Events but I NEVER went to E. C. Erury School for the Deaf, Milton rest of my life but one day I will go see it.
I NEVER KNEW  that she and the man bought ASL Dictionary and Video that he had.
- She need more learn, improve and skill for education. 

York University 
Established  1959

Angela Malcolm  ( My First Oldest Cousin)

First ASL Finger Spelling
I taught her when she was 6 years old last Fall 1979.

Question: I asked my first oldest cousin Angela question about why she want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: Mostly it was interesting to her.  It was nice to be able to learn because I're around them and she enjoyed being the opportunity to learn it.

       Jason Hodghen (My Second Oldest Cousin)

First British Sign Language finger spelling when he was 10 years old.

Question: I asked my Aunt Joyce question about why Jason want to learned BSL and another reasons?

Answer:  He learned BSL from Level 1 because he went to theater group for able and disabled young people until he was 18 years old last Summer 2012. There were hard of hearing and deaf people there and he want to be able to communicate with them.

Stephanie Emily Anne Prest-Gow ( My Oldest Daughter-In-Law)

First ASL book that my son Warren bought from Chapter store when she was 20 years old for what up gift then she was joined ASL class Level 1 at Algonquin College at 1385 Woodroffe Ave. when she was 22 years old last Spring 2014 by Deaf Teacher and my old friend Les Sicoli. (By 8 weeks for 3 hours and twice a week)
It's small world!!!!

Question: I asked my daughter -in-law Stephanie question about why she want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: Because it's interesting and her husband Warren's family is deaf.

          Warren Alan (My Oldest Son)

First ASL word: Milk when he was 1 years old.
Most ASL

Question: I asked my oldest son Warren question about why he want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: That's why because he have to know it because his parents are deaf.
He not going to take a course though.

Isabella Daphne (My Youngest Daughter)

 First ASL word: Milk when she was 1 years old.
Most ASL

Question: I asked my youngest daughter Isabella question about why she want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: She had no choice and talk to her parent.

Josh Stanley ( My Daughter's 
Ex-Boyfriend is the Second Oldest in his family)

Question: I asked my daughter's boyfriend Josh question why he want learned ASL or another reasons?

Answer: He wanted to learn ASL because it is something that can be very handy to know as well no that he  is dating Isabella 
 it has really come in handy since his girlfriend Isabella's family is deaf.

Question: What did he learn ASL from website first word?

Answer:  He started learning ASL from his friend while he was dating her sister, and now he learning it with her because he work together with her doing jujitsu with a deaf and blind child and the word no .

            Pamela Jean  (I am Oldest)

First ASL finger spelling at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf also my late old deaf friend Alldyn Clark taught me.
Most ASL at Sir James Whitney School and any involved taught Salvation Army Church at my parent's house last Summer 1985 for ASL Class when I was 20 years old but I was learned ASL and watched deaf and hard of hearing peoples and hearing teachers by lipreading when I was 15 years old.

Question: I asked myself question about why I want to learned ASL and another reasons?

Answer: I want learning more skill about ASL, better improve and education  plus with beautiful language.
I want to help with hard of hearing and deaf people's same idea DI (Deaf Interpreter)
Also I want join learn about ASL Class for Levels 201, 202, 203, 301 and 302 at Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave in Ottawa, Ontario next May 2016 - 2017 because  no one will not sign up this September 2015 and January 2016 because too full class for level 201
I am very disappointed !!!!

I learned lots went through so amazing, awesome and cool also new experiences about pameladeafstories

MY COMMENTS: I never knew that my Mum was planned learned Sign Language  from Allydn Clark before became she never told me before  until I found out from my interview. 
wish my Aunt, Uncle and cousin Angela learning Sign Language  when I came visited in Belleville, Ontario for Deaf Community. 

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