Saturday 8 June 2019

First Summer 2018 in Hamilton, Ontario

Last Friday June 29th to Monday July 2nd, 2018 I went on VIA Train at Followfield Station to Toronto Union Station from 12:49pm to 5:15pm and train #47, seat 3A and car 6. Then my friend Bev Mazurski met me at the Station walked for 15 minutes and went on Go Bus to her place for FIRST TIME in Hamilton, Ontario.

I got off VIA Train then I came inside the building and I came back inside again got ready went home. 

I went upstairs and I saw schedule inside the building also I met Bev and Elmo (hearing dog) while she waited for me. 

MY COMMENTS: Last Friday June 29th, 2018 in the afternoon I was not excepted  that at Toronto VIA Train Station was used "construction" so one of VIA  man helped me with my suitcase went downstairs electric stairs instead no elevator. 

                          Go Bus

She ordered Domino Pizza for our late supper. We ate pizzas and dranks also long chatted until went bed very late.

Last Saturday June 30th we stayed inside her house because very very hot weather but she had air condition, thank god.
Also at 2pm to 7pm she bought her deaf friend Sherry Burgoyne Heimbecker was Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf in Milton, Ontario so Bev cooked BBQ for hamburgers and raw vegetables also dranks.
After her friend left and we still stayed inside again because of hot weather.

Last Sunday July 1st middle in the morning we went on Go Bus to the park at "Gate Park" and to met her Mum Pat and walked around plus we ordered our late lunch at Food Truck.
I ate hamburger and fries plus water bottle too.
Then 3 of us went on Go Bus and get off for her Mum and we still continued rode on Go Bus before 1 block got off the bus because her "hearing dog" Elmo need went to the bathroom then walked home.
We settled down and we ate popsicles and dranks.

Inside Bev's house from her computer office, at the back in living room, on left side her bedroom without the wall and the door and on right side in the front door came out from outside. 

Last Monday July 2nd after breakfast we went on Go Bus then stopped by CHS took picture of front building at 21 Hunter Street East but hard to see because of tree but recently June 11th, 2019 at CHS already moved to 50 Dundurn Street South, Unit #119 and took picture of "Go Train" behind CHS but we didn't go on "Go Train".

Then we went on Go Bus again all the way to Toronto and walked to Union Station for 15 minutes plus I took picture of CN Tower behind me while Bev and her Elmo sat on her walker  also I saw sign "Hamilton " we were inside the bus but I didn't take picture of it so Bev did for me and send me facebook inbox.
Then we went inside Union Station waited for my VIA Train at 1:20pm and train #644, seat 9A and car 7 also went home to Fallowfield Station at 5:23pm. My daughter Isabella picked me up at the Station then went out for supper at "Popeye"

                  At College Square 

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