Saturday 22 June 2019

ASL Dentist

Dr. Shelly Stack

I met her at Ottawa Deaf Expo last Friday September 21st, 2018.

1. Do she have ASL Dentist Business Card?
Yes, she had it then gave me business card in Kanata, Ontario.

2. How long have she been dentist for? 
She been spend 20 years as an ASL Interpreter and is now using that skill in her dental practice but she don^t want to be an interpreter anymore,  she wanted to be a dentist. 

Old Business Card
New Business Card

Saturday 15 June 2019

ASL Doctor Jessica Dunkley

I met Jessica at Canadian Administration of VRS for (CAV) Inc. for Open House at 200 Elgin Street, Suite 1102 Ottawa, Ontario (downtown) in September 20th, 2018.

1. Are you born deaf and causes? 

2. Where did she graduated high school?

3. When did she graduated University of Ottawa?

She graduated in 2010 from Medical School as one of the University of British Colbumia for 3 years and Alberta for 2 years.

4. Did she went to University? 

She went to University of Ottawa Extraordinary Women.

5. What courses did she take?
She took Medical School in 2020.

6. How discuss she learn to be Doctor?

When she was 10 years old, her Aunt gave her a life-altering gift a plastic anatomy doll. She decided that she would one day wear a white jacket, a dream that she called a "Fantasy " for much of her life.

Deaf Guy from Newfoundland #1

I met Darryl Hackett

1. Are he born deaf and causes? 

He born deaf causes of hereditary and birth composition.

. When did he attended at Newfoundland School for the Deaf? 

He was attended in 1971 - 1985 but was shut down in August 2010 because of low enrollment of students.

3. When did he graduated at Galluedet University? 

He was graduated in 1993.

4. What courses did he take?

He took Business Management.

5. How long have he been involved Deaf Wireless Canada Committe?

He had been involved for one day.

6. Have he been involved anythings at Deaf Community? 

He been involved Deaf Dart since

MY COMMENTS: One day hopefully will visit in Halifax, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland about School for the Deaf.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Mayfest and Ottawa Deaf Expo

Ottawa Mayfest was established in 1991.

Every end of May by Saturday 1991 - 2009 at Mayfest in Ottawa  FIRST TIME my children and I or myself went to Mayfest included are: Entertainment, Booth Display, Activities for Children, BBQ for hamburgers/hot dogs, chips, pops, bottle waters from 9am - 4pm.
It's cost for $5. for a day, for $20. a night or for both $25.
At Mayfest night from 7pm - 1am included are: Entertainment, 50/50 Draws, snacks and drinks.

Last Saturday May 1991 to 2009 that was my first time at Mayfest in Ottawa, Ontario but no flyers.

            I didn't went to Mayfest.

                  I didn't went to Mayfest.                                             

 Last Saturday May 30th, 2015 I am welcome back to Mayfest for 5 years ago (2010 - 2014) to now. I went on the OC Transpo Bus to Mayfest at 1265 Walkley Road in Ottawa, Ontario from 9am - 4pm also cost for $5. for a day but not went back at night time for $20. for a evening.

I bought 2 shirts from Dean 

                       ASL with wing

                        ASL is Sexy

After Mayfest at 4pm I went to Swiss Charlet Resturant for order my dinner to take home from OC Transpo Bus again.

Last May 1991 - May 2016 we had celebrated 25th years in Ottawa, Ontario.

Last Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 9am - 4pm and 7pm - 1am so I went to Mayfest at Nepean Sportsplex 1701 Woodroffe Ave., Nepean, Ontario.

The Admissions: for day adult $5., for child (13 - 17) $3., for night (early bird) for child (12 - 16) $5., student (ID required) $15., adult $20. And at the door child ( 12 - 16) $10., students (ID required) $20., adult $25.

My FIRST TIME I got new HENNA from India Culture for $5.

The HENNA is wet for 2 hours and keep for 1 week.

The HENNA is dry from after 2 hours.

I bought RED glass with lid plus design for $5.  The Glass can used for drink or candies inside or anything put in it.

From Canadian Hearing Society to put booth displays from Ottawa, Ontario.

From Ontario Association for the Deaf booth displays from Toronto, Ontario.

Phil Parker was an interpreter from old company called CJOH-TV NEWS and he came over for my Wedding an interpreter  last October 1987.

The Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf for booth displays from Belleville, Ontario.

The flag from Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in Belleville, Ontario.

Ontario School for the Deaf -Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf Alumni Association President and Vice President for display from Belleville, Ontario.

From left to right: Rosanne Mark as President and Karen Thompson Mercer as Vice President.

They went to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in Belleville, Ontario same as me.

At 7pm - 1am they did not too fancy about special 25th anniversary  at reception for dinner but they did had snacks and bars also did video about the past from 1991 - 2016.
Last Saturday May 29th, 2018 I went in all day but no special 25th years anniversary Mayfest Dinner. 

Last Friday September 21st, 2018 at 10am to 7pm my daughter Isabella and I left at 10:30am to Carlton University at Norm Fenn Gym for free admissions  but the weather was beautiful and sunny.
Then we went inside looked around at Booths until we ordered our lunch at Subway from Carlton University and we bought our lunch took outside at picnic table but was very windy.
She bought "I Love You " with sign from her own necklace and I bought "I Love You " sign with wrist bracelet.
She left at 2pm but I was stayed there until 5pm because very hard rains, dull and saw rainbow so I decided text her took me home at 5pm.
We got home for supper but we heard and warned weather by phone about "6 tornados" at Greenbank Street, in South area in Ottawa, Ontario and Gatieau, Quebec because we were "saftey" but we had no powers for 2 whole days.

My daughter Isabella and I walked look around at booth tables. 

Also  I  bought sticker called "ASL" from Paul Borgouis by his own business. 

                         ASL Sticker

Last Saturday September 22nd, 2018 from 1pm to 4pm and Ottawa Deaf Expo plus Ontario came over to Parliament Hill for "Rally" but I didn't went to Parliament Hill.
All in Provinice's are Victoria, British Columbia, Edmonton, Alberta, Regina, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Ontario, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Halifax, Nova Scotia and St. John's, Newfoundland were joined "Rally" too.

Last Saturday September 22nd, 2018 in the evening still had no powers again so my son Warren, his wife Stephanie and I went out for dinner at Firehouse Subs in Orleans, Ontario because they had power on and we were " lucky ".   

                               EST: 2015


        That where we sat for our dinner. 

Ottawa Deaf Expo will not be there every September 2018 - 2022 because of Coronavirus. 

Welcome Back to Ottawa Deaf Expo since 2018

Last Saturday September 23rd, 2023 my daughter Isabella picked me up and  ordered online at Starbucks and I ordered 3 of us for drinks.

Yamlika drank her French Vanilla Coffee, my daughter Isabella drank her Pumkpin Cream Cold Brew and I drank my Strawberry Arci and extra strawberries fruits. 

Then we picked Yamlika at her apartment and drove all the way to Nepean Sportsplex by gate 3 at Woodroofe Avenue. 

At 10am to 5pm Yamlika will be first time at Ottawa Deaf Expo and I at Nepean Sportsplex for free admission.

Ottawa Deaf Expo day time 600 peoples totals and night time 130 peoples totals. 

We did went inside and looked around then she bought 2 red mini ILY key chains for $2. each for her and myself too.

                  In Belleville, Ontario 

                 In Kingston, Ontario 

We did watched it about Cuba School but my Cuba friend Yamlika remind her childhood in Cuba and she told me all about it. 
Yamlika remind her childhood from her School in Cuba and she not allowed used sign language but used oral speech so her parent decided tranfer different School with sign language.

She met her from last year (2022) in Toronto, Ontario when she went  to Toronto, Ontario.

She told me about Ralitsa Rodriguez until finally met her by face to face at Ottawa Deaf Expo Saturday September 23rd, 3023 plus she was character MAMMA

Theresa Upton  and  Ralitsa Rodriguez

Also she did went to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in Belleville, Ontario by Thursday night September 21st, 2023 and at Kingston  Town in Kingston, Ontario by Friday night September 22nd, 2023 then by Saturday morning September 23rd, 2023 at Ottawa Deaf Expo Ottawa, Ontario.

           He came from Saskatchewan.

After 3pm she bought us and her friend for our late lunch at main floor are included: hot dogs, french fries and drinks.

After that finally,  I saw Theresa Stoakley at booth table and she selling "Diamond Dots.

After 5pm we went outside waited for usher after 6pm then we got inside the car and went to Yamilka's place for our late supper until 8pm.

We ate our late supper at her dining table in the  kitchen from her apartment.

Then we came back by rode at uber again and  I did paid both of us online tickets for $25. each instead without online tickets for $30.

Yamlika and Pamela are in the back 

She almost win but no luck for 50/50 draw.

We sat watched half missed show and another show.

She bought her third beers instead me nothing drinks

                       DJ Kitt Tremblay 

I saw him second time at Ottawa Deaf Expo 

After 12am my daughter Isabella picked us up and went home from Ottawa Deaf Expo. 

Good Friend Monique Dozios

Last Saturday May 16th, 2015 for 4 hours I was invited my friend Monique Doszios went out for dinner at Swiss Charlet Resturant by OC Transpo Bus. We are long chatted for hours and hours

This Saturday June 20th, 2015 at 12pm - 6:30pm I invited Monique Dozios and Betty Miller went to Ottawa Ribfest at Spark Street from downtown by OC Transpo Bus.
That our FIRST TIME.
I ordered Ribs and Chicken Combo for $15.
We ate it and chats plus went for walk also we saw few deaf peoples went by as well.

     Monique Dozis, me and Betty Miller 

Last Saturday November 14th, 2015 I went on OC Transpo Bus from my home to College Station all the way to Lincoln Field Station then changed second Bus to Swiss Charlet Resturant from at Fairlawn Plaza.
I met Monique outside then went inside and waited for our sat near by the window and chatted.
I ordered my supper are salad, double chickens and baked potato plus glass of water.
We stayed there for 2 hours and went on bus again until Lincoln Fields Station and went home from fourth bus.

Cineplex Cinemas Ottawa 
at 3090 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario

Last Saturday April 23rd, 2016 my two deaf friends are Monique Dozios and Betty Miller and I went to Movie Theatre from 7:30pm - 9pm.

       It's called The Jungle Book.

I took picture by the poster from outside.

We are used Closed Captions for one of each.

Closed Caption stand started last 2011 to the future.

On left side is Betty Miller, me and on right side is Monique Dozis. 

We ate our breakfast meals inside instead don't have patio outside. 

Last Saturday February 23rd, 2018 I went on OC Transpo Bus from my home to College Station all the way to Lincoln Field Station then walked to Cora Resturant, Richmond Road for 10 minutes.
I met Monique outside then went in and waited for our sat and chatted from 10am to 2:2pm because went to Metro about  groceries for her.
I ordered my breakfast are bacons, sausages instead ham, hash browns, overeasy eggs, toasts and fruits also strawberry smoothie.

               Strawberry Smoothie 

MY COMMENTS: I never thought about take picture of my breakfast meal so do that next time.

After Metro at the grocery she went walked home but I went on second bus again until College Station and went home by walked.