Saturday 19 March 2016

# Why I Sign? Plus Reading, Writing and Photography


- When I was childhood to before I was 15 but  I don't know how to sign.
- When I was childhood I was isolated because I had no friends and relatives don't know how sign language.
- I was learned sign at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf also I was picking the language up quickly.
- I sign to deaf and hard of hearing peoples.
- I only deaf in my children, family and relatives but pretty much.
- I'm accepted who I'm being Hard of Hearing.
- I must required with my hearing aid because I can hear the sound and my children's voices also myself's voice.
Sometime I missed the words and I can catch up the words so I sign.
- I can't hear you, behind my back and whisper also cover their's mouth so I sign.
- I sign window to window and under the water.
- I can't same time as communications more than 2 peoples like BIG GROUP so best for me are
1 - 1 peoples and 1 - 2 peoples.
- ASL saved my life because ASL helped me to reading and writing in my BLOG.
- Deaf Community are CHAMP instead Hearing Community when I was adulthood to now and the future.
- When I'm adulthood I'm isolated because I had no deaf friends.


- I always READING more an INFORMATIONS.
- I always WRITING everyday about each TOPICS.
- I always take PHOTOGRAPHY about PEOPLES and THINGS.

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