Friday 11 March 2016

Deaf Art Calendar

2017 Deaf Ontario Community Calendar Art Contest

- For the prize: $200. for the Best Front Cover

- ASL or Deaf Culture: $175. per winning

- Drawing or Painting: $150. per winning

- Graphed or Photography Drawing (only in ink) painting, graphic or photography: $125. per winning

Size: 11" long and 8 1/2" wide (landscape)

Contest Deadline: June 30th, 2016

Requirement:  - ASL Fingerspelling or ILY Signs do not qualify as an ASL motif in this contest.
- Entries must represent the entrants own   Completely original work.
- A presidents royalty agreement must accompany my entries.

I did give try worth a shot if I win to made Butterfly from Deaf Art Calendar Contest 2017 in Toronto, Ontario but I didn't  win it.

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