Saturday 20 May 2023

My Birthday #2

This Monday December 2014 in the morning my daughter Isabella take picture of me because she was slept over my place from last night this Sunday November 30th since FIRST night in 3 years. 
 My children invited me for my Birthday Breakfast from 9am at Chance R Resturant in Ottawa, Ontario.

After we came back from Chance R at my place because of my Birthday presents for a while then the girls had to go to their work until 5pm and 9pm and my son Warren and I went to Christmas Shopping all in afternoon also I went to his place for while then we walked stop half way back our place and stayed home all night.
We had Fabulous for 2 days!!!!

    1861 Robertson Road, Ottawa, Ontario

        Saturday December 2nd, 2023 my daughter Isabella picked me up then we went to picked Yamlika from her apartment then all the way to East Side Mario's Restaurant from 6pm to 8pm.

My oldest son Warren, my granddaughter Avery and Warren's girlfriend Shyla also they gave me Bath & Soap Shop included mini hand cream, shower gel, perfume, body lotion and hand gel.
It's called Champagne Toast. 

My youngest daughter Isabella and her boyfriend Rodrigo also they gave me Piccola plant, red nail polish "Gel", mini bottle of Bailey, foot lotion with white socks and gift card of Starbucks.

My new deaf friend Yamlika also she gave me red and white with red glitter shirt, Marilyn Moore shirt and red carpi pant with upside down v with 2 buttons from hem.

                             Both together 

I ate 4 piece of Mozzarella Cheese Sticks but I gave Avery for one and Caesar Salad with parmesan.

Then I ate Spaghetti Primavera, 2 slices of zucchinis with goat cheese.  Also add free dessert birthday brownies.  

Yamlika ate Mario's Chicken Parmigiana.

Warren, Avery and Shyla shared the foods ate Casar Salad with parmesan, Tomato Soup and Buddha Buddies.

Isabella ate pizzas and Rodrigo ate pizzas. 

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