Sunday 14 May 2023

Deaf Friend's Birthday #2

Last Saturday November 13th, 2021 I invited Monique Dozis for her birthday dinner at Chance R from 6pm to 8pm.
Then we went to Dollarama and went home. 

  I ordered my Dinner Wrapped Sandwiches and Fries. 

    Monique's Birthday Dessert Apple Crisp and I gave her birthday gift Starbucks gift card.

                      Both Together 

I took picture of it while I was waited for Yamlika at College Square. 

This Sunday May 21st, 2023 I invited Yamlika for her birthday dinner at Chance R from 6pm to 7pm then went home. 

I ordered my Dinner Wrapped Sandwiches and Fries.

Yamlika ordered her Dinner Ribs and Fries also vegetables.

We first met waitress and she knew little bit sign language and she took course at the college from 3 years ago. (2020)

Yamlika's Birthday Dessert Apple Crisp and I gave her birthday gift mug "Y" and Starbucks gift card. 

I gave her for her birthday gift but she put in her coffee also her letter is "Y".

                       Both Together 

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