Wednesday 20 October 2021

Deaf Woman Olympic for Tennis

                        Lois McIntyre 

How I met her?

I met her at Canadian Hearing Society in Ottawa, Ontario. 

1. Are she born deaf and causes?

She born deaf and causes of rubella. 

2. When did she attended at?

In 1969 when she moved to Belleville, Ontario from Manitoba, Winnipeg  also hearing school in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. 

3. When did she graduated?

4. When did she graduated Galluedet University?

She graduated in 1984 with Bachelor of Arts degree. She took a year off and when back to Galluedet University her Master's degree in 1987.

5. What courses did she take?

She took courses are studied Elementary Education and Human Resource for her Bachelor of Arts and Rehabilitation Counselling.

6. How old she start tennis?

When she was 12 years old. 

7. When did she went to Deaf Olympic?

1. Canadian Deaf Leadership Camp 1984, Edmonton, Alberta (Ontario)

TOP: Lois McIntyre (Lawn Tennis), Ted Kotaritis ( Track Field), Rohan Smith (Track Field ), Norman Lum (Track Field)
BOTTOM: James Gow (Swimming) and Danielle Webb (Swimming)
MISSING: Paul Landry (Track Field) and Gary Malkowski (Table Tennis)

At the gym in the front James Gow and on the third Lois McIntyre 

         TOP: numbers 5 Lois McIntyre 

2. - Los Angeles, California 1985
- Chrischurch, New Zealand January 1989
- World Championship Bradenton, Florida January 1989

8. How old is she retired?

When she was retired completely 35 years old  but she still playing tennis. 

9. How long have she been tennis coach?

Since 2005 for 16 years also been tennis coach at Galluedet University for 2 years. 

10. Did she take coach courses?

Yes, she did took studied and received level three in National Coaching Certificate program since 2005 at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Ontario. 

11. What her goal?

Her goal going to be next Deaflympic will be in Brazil next May 2022.

12. The reason why she take courses?

The reason: Canadian Deaf Sport Association required her to have level 2 National Coaching Certificate program but she kept going and reached level 3.

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