Friday 29 October 2021

Deaf Oldest Counsellor

I met him at Senior Boy's Residence in March 1984.

                      Keith Dorschner

1. Are he born deaf and causes?
He was born deaf from birth but cause was accident when he was 6 months old, there was a fire and he was in the carriage it was pushed down the stairs to save him and damaged his hearing.

2. When did he attended at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf?
He was attended in September 1943 for 13 years. 

3. When did he graduated?
He did graduated in June 1956.

4. Did he went to Galluedet University?
Nope, he didn't went to Galluedet University. 

5. How long have he been involved counsellor at Senior Boy's Residence?
He had been involved counsellor at Senior Boy's Residence last 1984.

6. When did he retired?
He was retired last 2001.


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