Saturday 16 January 2016

8 Famous Deaf Peoples #2

 Marlee Matlin 
(since 1986 - now)

She is Actress and Deaf Author 

Deanne Bray 
(Since 2002 - 2015 - now)

She is Actress and ASl Teacher 
by Level  1 - 3

 John Maucere 
(Since Nov 9th, 2010 - now)

He is Comedy

Heidi Branch
(Since Mar 9th, 2014 - now)

The Twin Sisters Hedy vs Heidi

She is Comedy

Kurt Ramborge
(Since June 4th, 2013 - now )

He is Deaf Chef

Nyle DiMarco
 (Since 2014 - now)

He is Model - Actor and Spokesman

Alex Abenchuchan 
(Since June 9th, 2014 - now)

The Daily Moth's 
He is Host

One day I'll meet 6 Famous Deaf Peoples.

Deanne Bray

Deanne Bray

Deanne is deaf and actress by F.B. Eye Sue Thomas that I been watched on TV Show last 2002 - 2005. Also once actor from her husband Troy Kotsur is deaf as well in F.B. Eye Sue Thomas.

One day I'll buy F.B. Eye Sue Thomas DVD but I DID ordered it in May 2017.

F. B.  Eye Sue Thomas DVD volume 1 - 5 from Episodes 11 - 12

Last Fall 2015 I was watched on Netflix called No Ordinary Hero.
They are included Marlee Matlin, Deanne Bray and John Maucere.

Last Vacation in USA 2004

We did drove until arrived after 48 hours

We did went through under the bridge arrived at Walt Disney World. 


 #5 Last March Break for 2 weeks on 11th to 24th by 2004 my children and I went to The Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
My oldest son is 11 and half years old and my young daughter is 7 and half years old but my children are FIRST TIME
We drove for 48 hours and stayed at the hotel and included are kitchen, bathroom, 2 double beds, pull out couch, laundry and swimming pool.
We visited at The Walt Disney World for 2 days/1 night and that was my FIRST TIME  I wore Handheld Captioning (red box at closed caption).
It's rent for about $100. each but I don't remember.

       This is EST: October 1st, 1971.

Handheld Captioning with around the neck also is made by 2004.

MY COMMENTS: I don't see anywhere at Walt Disney World about an interpreters  since 1980 to 1983 and 2004.

My children and I had exactly same red t-shirts from Walt Disney World at the store in last 2004. We still had it.

MY COMMENTS: My daughter Isabella and I are same color as key necklace but my son Warren is  black key necklace. 

My children and I  went to visited at Animal Kingdom and we bumped Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. 

My children, my Dad and I went on  BLIZZARD 5 slides and got ready for race instead my Mum didn't went on it but just watched us.

My son Warren bought are:

          White Mickey Mouse Gloves 

       Only one person instead together 

My daughter Isabella bought are:


        Only one person instead together 

My COMMENTS: I  pay for included are hotel and events each 14 months from November 2020 to December 2021 that remind me that we did paid each months from September 2003 to February 2004 each 6 months are included hotel and Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. 

                          SIX FLAG 

#1. Last August 18th to 20th, 2001 just for the weekend my children and I went to Six Flag at Darien Lake, New York and drove for 7 hours from Bracebridge, Ontario but just for once, that it.

We rent trailer at the park but we bought our foods, drinks and equipments.

Black marker circle that where we stayed at rent trailer and sleep over. 

MY COMMENTS: I bought Colder Six Flag Mug but I don't have right now.

#4 Last March Break for 2 weeks on 1982 just us instead my youngest sister Sandra not going because of her new job at McDonald's. 

Me, my youngest sister Linda and my Dad rode rent handcyle bikes on seated low to the ground plus my Mum took picture of us.

#3 Last March Break for 2 weeks on 1983 my friend Bev Mazurski and I plus my family went to camping at the trailer at KOA in Orlando, Florida

          Bev and I had fun at Pillory from                             Walt Disney World. 


Bev and I went on Epcot for rides and inside informations 

MY COMMENTS: That remind me March 23rd, 1983 after 9 years that I had my first child. 

 #2 Last March Break for 2 weeks on 1981 my cousin Angela Malcolm and I plus my family and my cousin Philip Read went to Yogi Bear camping at the trailer in Orlando, Florida

        We saw Walt Disney World Castle. 

                     St. Petersburg Beach at                                      Atlantic Ocean 

#1 Last March Break for 2 weeks on 1980 my special Nanna, her husband Ray, and I plus my family and my cousin Helen went to camping at the trailer in Orlando, Florida.

          Walt Disney World Subway 

     I bought jaw tooth from Sea World.

MY COMMENTS: I bought post card folder, beach towel, silhouette used cut scissor from black paper and spoon.

           Without frame just hardboard 

      The books are inside informations 


MY COMMENTS: My parent learned Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida from their own idea.

I bought Beach Towel and Spoon from Sovuoir Gift Shop. 

MY COMMENTS: Welcome Florida 1980 then stopped by Public washroom and got free orange juice, pick up 4 doors truck for my parent, my Nanna and her husband Ray and  cap trunk my 2 sisters Sandra and Linda, my cousin Helen and I laid down all the way and with long trailer since 1980 - 1983.
 We saw big sign Welcome Florida from cross the bridge then we stopped by public washroom and got free orange juice
My FIRST JOURNEY REGULAR BOOK  that I had to wrote my stories about what am I doing everdays but I can't find my journey book.

BIG TIME: Walt Disney World, Sea World, Beach, Mini Golf, Blizzard, Space Shuttle, at the beach by the ocean at St. Petersburg Beach and Souvior Gift Shop also Six Flag. 

Sunday 10 January 2016

American Sign Language and British Sign Language



This January 10th, 2016 I'm still prasticed with BSL Numbers and I got better but I need more prasticed with BSL Alphabets

The Reasons Why: I was born British - Canada when I was 28 months old (2 and half years old) also my relatives are still lived there.



That my name.

I would like to be honored to late Princess Diana. She did learned BSL last 1983.

MY COMMENTS: Last December 2015 I saw The Daily Moth from facebook about The Royal School for Deaf Children Margate in England and I poster it then  I just found out that my cousin  lived closed by also my second cousin was learned about BSL at theatre group as well.