Sunday 10 January 2021

Deaf Women's Coma

How I met Jane?
I met her at Senior Girls Residence upstairs last September 1980 at our graduated in June 13th, 1986.

Last Fall 1986 she and I went to shopping at Carlingwood Mall for once.

Last Fall 1990 4 of us went out for lunch at Swiss Charlet Restaurant in 1600 Merivale Road, Ottawa, Ontario for once.

Last time we went visited Jane and her husband Mike's FIRST apartment at Bayshore Drive, Ottawa, Ontario then moved to SECOND apartment at Woodbridge Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario and last one THIRD townhouse at Exeter Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. 

We did invited them for my Wedding Day but her husband Mike can't come because he had to work so she was followed him stayed home instead my Wedding Day. 

They did invited us to their Wedding Day by Friday July 21st, 1989 in Dunvegan, Ontario (out of Ottawa, Ontario).

Last December 6th, 1988 she was struck by a car after finished her night class at Algonquin College then she was crossed Main Street at Evelyn Avenue because she couldn't hear horn,  that how happened. 

Last Saturday December 10th, 1988 we did visited her Ottawa General Hospital bed for once from downtown, that it but she had scar on her left hand on the top and lost her balanced by walked in the dark so she need someone holding her instead day time was fine by herself. 

We did invited them for my son's 4th birthday party last March 1996, that it and no longer. 

We are no longer our friends because they didn't go to Deaf Community for no longer since 1999 to the future. 

1. Are she born deaf and causes? 
She was born deaf and causes of birth.

2. When did she attended at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf? 
She was attended in 1972.

3. Did she graduated from Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf? 

              She was graduated in 1986.

4. Did she went to Galluedet University? 
She went to Algonquin College at Main Street in Ottawa, Ontario.

5. What courses did she take?

                    OTTAWA CITIZEN 



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