Monday 19 August 2019

My Children's Dad from Brussels, Belgium

1. Are he born deaf and causes?
He was born hearing until he became deaf was 15 months old and causes was bites electric plug was very hot from lamp in living room.

2. Why he born in Brussels, Belgium?
His parent moved in Brussels, Belgium because his Dad was FIRST EMBASSY by the Government for 2 years  in 1963 - 1965.
His Mum was pregnant in October 1963 then he was born in the hospital at Royaume De Belsigue Hospital

When they moved to Ottawa, Ontario in 1965 and he was accident when he was 15 months old from very hot plug from lamp in living room by July at his parent's apartment from Bayshore.

3. When did he attended at School for the Deaf in London, England?
He was attended at British School for the Deaf in London, England in 1968 to 1973 and his parent and himself don't know how BRITISH SIGN LANGUAGE.

4. Why his parent wanted live in London, England?
His parent wanted have adopted baby girl when he was 7 years old, his young brother was 5 years old and his adopted sister was 8 months old.  They was lived in 5 years.

5. Why his parent wanted moved back to Ottawa, Ontario again?

His parent did moved back to Ottawa, Ontario again because they bought adopted daughter lived in Iris Street from 1973 to 1974. Then moved again in Kingsley Road from 1974 to in the future.

MY COMMENTS: Last September 1988 for 2 weeks he and I was visited his Dad at his apartment in London, England but I never thought about and I never asked his Dad,  my Aunt Joyce and Aunt June about where London School for the Deaf but too late  now.

His Dad went to SECOND EMBASSY by government for two years in 1987 - 1988.

I still remember that part too from his Mum told me everythings but I NEVER FORGET  about her stories as well.

I was lived in Kingsley Road last September 4th, 1986 - October 7th, 1987 from his parent's basement. (One year and three days )

I was lived in Kingsley Road again last May 2010 - June 17th, 2011 from his parent's basement.  (One year and one month)

My son Warren and his wife Stephanie was lived in Kingsley Road last May 2010 - June 2015 from his grandparent's upstairs.  (one year and one month)

My daughter Isabella was lived in Kingsley Road last May 2010 - in the future from her grandparent's was upstairs and now basement.  (13 years - in the future )

My children's Dad was lived in Kingsley Road last May 2010 - 2013 (3 years)

MY ANOTHER COMMENTS: It's crazy  because my children's Dad's parent was lived in Iris Street then my children and I was lived in Iris Street and now my son Warren and his wife Stephanie was lived in Iris Street . That was so amazing  and never thought about it.

MY FAVORITE QUATE: It's a Small World  from Walt Disney World.

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