Saturday 19 September 2015

Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf History

     Ontario School for the Deaf
        Sir James Whitney School
                  1870 - Future
              350 Dundas St. W.
             Belleville, Ontario 

                   Before Old Sign:

                 After New Sign:

Before Old  Infirmary: I never been inside before because was closed this building before I was new school before 1979 to now.

After Old Infirmary: I was there when I was sick also I had Tuberculosis (TB).

Before Old Building:

Ontario Institution for the Education and Instruction
of the Deaf and Dumb (1870–1913);
Ontario School for the Deaf (1913–1974);
Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf (1974–Present)

After Now Building: I had been there many times for my school for 7 years plus fifth times for Reunions as well.

       Samuel Thomas Greene: 1843 - 1890 

                     Senior School

         Junior School and Residence: I never lived there before.

Senior Girl's Residence: I was lived upstairs for 3 years by 1980 - 1982 and downstairs for 2 years by 1982 - 1985.
I was lived in Mathison House for a year by 1985 - 1986.

MY COMMENTS: I remember in September  1980 - June 1986 when I was line up for lunch time at the hallway and the counsellor did passed someone's name from the mails and I got mail most of time was my Mum wrote a letters instead my Dad and my 2 sisters never wrote a letters to me and never get their own hands writing until my graduated also she did phoned me for once a week  from September 1980 - June 1983 at night time. 
Also my Nanna and Mr. Denniss did wrote a letters to me as well. 

I was lived in my Aunt and Uncle's house for a year by 1979 - 1980.
Totals are 7 years in Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf.

Senior Boy's Residence: I was visited at Senior Boy's Residence for 4 years.

                    Staff's Kitchen

The Cafeteria: That where I ate for my Breakfasts, Lunchs and Dinners as well.

Front Auditorium: I was there for my Graduated Day by grade 8 and Reunions as well.

                   Back Auditorium

                      At the Gym

                         The Wolf

     On the left side from Swimming Pool

  On the right side from Swimming Pool

              The Wolf from paints

           The Cheer Leader from paints

           Swimming Pool from paints

Audiological  and the offices: I went to Audiological many times for my hearing aid and once for training on the job before I was Graduated for a year.

The Fire Drills each buildings and each rooms as well.

Vocational Shop included are: Print Shop, Auto Body, Welding, Wood Shop and Upholstery Shop for once of each shops.

But at Senior School had another Vocational Shop included are: Beauty Culture, Sewing, Typing and Home Economic for 7 years.

In the Front of Building Water Fall on left side.

In the Front of Building Water Fall in right side.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Reunion Gifts #3

I bought from included Reunion 2015 Combo are navy t-shirt, backpack, plastic water bottle, note pad with pens, DVD of Classic Ontario ASL: Name Sign and Time to Renew the Spirit  Program Book.

Saturday 12 September 2015

In Memory of Alice Mowat Whitney (Deaf Dog)

In Memory of Alice Mowat Whitney

She was born in August 17th, 1971 and died in May 3rd, 1979 by car accident also was buried in Hodgson's Woods.
Her owner is Farley Mowat.

She was lived the Senior Girl's Residence for years then moved to the Senior Boy's Residence.
She came to lived at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf when she was 10 months old.

I heard from long time ago that one of Alice, who she is deaf also killed by hit the car last May 3rd, 1979 just right after I got new Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf in last September, 1979 and never meet her before,

             It's about Alice from Poster.

My COMMENTS: Last Saturday August 12th, 2023 I didn't went to Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf about Museum but one day I will go see it. 

This is from Museum at Sir James Whitney School 


Status of Alice

This is about Alice.

Voyageur Bus to Greyhound Bus

             Greyhound Bus Station 

My FIRST TIME last Friday September 4th - Monday September 7th, 1987 for long  weekend that at 7am I went on Voyageur Bus from Ottawa, Ontario to North Bay, Ontario at the Bus Station for 4 hours at 100 Station Road from 11:45am. The Greyhound Bus gate number #5. I survived without anyone.

The reason why I went to North Bay, Ontario because my parent picked me up then went home to Bracebridge, Ontario  also I had to try on my Wedding dress for next day by my Mum made it for me same as my Maid of Honor, the Bridesmaids and Flower girl as well.
From North Bay, Ontario to Bracebridge, Ontario we drove for 2 hours.
No one in my friends is there with me. Just strangers, with a face that looks as if it has traveled a thousand miles of good road.

My SECOND TIME this July 30th to August 2nd, 2015 for a long weekend that I went on
Greyhound Bus from Ottawa, Ontario to Belleville, Ontario at the Bus Station for 4 hours at 165 Pinnacle Street.

The Greyhound Bus gate number #8. I survived without my children.

The reason why I went to Belleville, Ontario because my Uncle picked me up then went their home to Ameliasburg near Belleville, Ontario also I went Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf by Reunion weekend. I went there fifth times in Reunion.

I left by 3:30pm from my home to downtown at 265 Catherine Street from OC Transpo Bus also Greyhound Bus picked me up at 5pm until got there in Belleville, Ontario  at 9:05pm.
No one in my friends there with me. Just strangers, with a face that look as if it has traveled a thousand miles of good road again.

Then next Sunday I left by 5pm from my Aunt, Uncle and second cousin Regean from Zwick Park to dropped me off at Bus Station then Greyhound Bus picked me up at 6:45pm and back to Ottawa, Ontario at 10:45pm.
They did save my life.

After that I got off Bus Station then my son Warren meet me at Bus Station for first time then we walked to sidewalk to got our OC Transpo Bus from Bank Street to Iris Street got off and walked home for 20 minutes then finally got home before midnight.
I'm really glad, appreciated and supported me as well that he did great job with his Mum.

At first place, I did approved sleep over at my friend Julie Maisonneuve's Apartment but little bit save my life sleep over this July 29th to August 2nd at Palmer Road in Belleville, Ontario. But the problem is rides because I asked her about ride for Wine and Cheese last  Friday July 31st from 7pm - 11pm, She already asked Donna Fano's vehicle also she forget about me also full seats so she say to me have to ask someone's vehicle.
It's bad situation about a rides.

 My Aunt did drop me off and picked me up for Wine and Cheese at Trenton and Saturday all day at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf for day time but at night time at Air Force Museum for Reunion Dinner. Also next day by Sunday morning my Uncle did drop me off at Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf for Bus Shuttle about Deaf Cemetery.
That was my FIRST TIME visited Deaf Cemetery in the past for fourth Reunions.
They did saved my life for Reunion weekend.

I did post facebook for 2 weeks but no answer reply to me. I am not happy with the news.
I'm very furious getting a ride but that not easy.

I still DOUBLE NO CHOICE AGAIN I already take by Greyhound Bus to Belleville, Ontario and stayed overnight at my Aunt and Uncle's place instead Julie's Apartment because of no rides from Trenton, Ontario.

I felt too much work, tired and too much stressed for me.
I did paid for Greyhound Bus tickets for 2.

    In the Front and plug for the chargers.

          In the Back and the bathroom.

My THIRD TIME this December 4th to 6th, 2015 for a short weekend that I went on Greyhound Bus from Ottawa, Ontario to Belleville, Ontario at the Bus Station for 4 hours at 165 Pinnacle Street.
The weather are very dark, very cold but no snows at all.
It's safe and sound.
The Greyhound Bus fate number #8.

The reason why I went to Belleville because my Aunt picked me up then went their home to Ameliasburg near  Belleville, Ontario also I went to FIRST Christmas Ball at Travelodge in 11 Bay Bridge Road.
When I came back to Ottawa, Ontario by Greyhound Bus Station at 10:45pm then I went on FIRST rode on BLUE LINE TAXI for FIRST TIME by myself went home.
I survived without anyone.

My FOURTH TIME this May 5th, 2016 for 2 days week that I went on Bus Station for I went on Greyhound Bus from Belleville, Ontario  to Ottawa, Ontario for 4 hours.

The reason why this May 4th, 2016 I went to Belleville, Ontario  because I was surprised that my Uncle willing picked me up at 9am by drive for 3 hours until get there around noon also I went to see Deaf Children's Festival and John Maucere Show.
After that I got off Bus Station then my son Warren meet me at Bus Station for second time and my daughter - in - law Stephanie for first time at 10:40pm then we went home.