Monday 9 May 2022

Lauren Roidoff

                   Lauren Roidoff 

1. Are she born deaf and causes?
Yes, when she was 2 years old became deaf and 

2. Anyone in her family deaf or not?
Yes, her 2 deaf sons.

3. Did she went to deaf school?
She was attended Secondary School For The Deaf in Washington,  DC.

4. Did she went Gallaudent University?
Nope,  she went to California State University Northridge in Los Angelo, California in 2000 also Hunter College in Manhattan, New York in 2005.
She was former kindergarten teacher, and earned a Master's Degree in Education in 2005.

5. Have she been involved anythings at Deaf Community?

1. National Association of the Deaf's Miss Deaf America Pageant in 2000.

2. Spring Awakening April 10th, 2018 for a Tony Award for her role  in
"Children Of A Lesser God"

Joshua Jackson from Dawson's Creek 1998 - 2003 Seasons  1 - 6

3. The Walking Dead October 2018 - 2022 Seasons 9 - 11

4. Deaf Superhero in Marvel's Eternals 2021