Saturday 9 April 2022

Daniel Durant

                       Daniel Durant 

1. Are he born deaf and causes?
He born completely deaf and 

2. Did he went to deaf school?
He went to mainstream school with his interpreter  then transferred to a School For The Deaf  in Washington,  DC and lasted for only one semester. 

3. When did he graduated Gallaudent University?
Nope, but he went to College in I.T.

4. What courses did he take?
He took courses are computers and technology. 

5. Have he been involved anythings at Deaf Community?

1. Switched At Birth  2013 - 2017

2. Spring Awakening January 2016

3. CODA August 2021

Thursday 7 April 2022

Jack Jason as interpreter for Marlene Maltin

Jack Jason 

1. How he met Marlene Maltin?

2. How did became Marlene Maltin interpreter?
William Hurt's assistant called around New York looking for someone to interpret for Marlene after the film Children Of A Lesser God was completed.  Jack called New York University because he heard there were a large number of deaf students and interpreter. The secretary in the Deafness Rehabilitation Studies Department gave the phone to Jack and he offered up himself. 
Unfortunately, he was told that Mr. Hurt was looking for a woman to interpret for Marlene.  Eventually, William called Jack back and offered him a one day job. Little did he know that his assignment for Marlene would not be as her interpreter. 

3. What did he do before him became Marlene's personal interpreter and business partner?
His first real job was just after he became certified (as an interpreter) coordinating interpreter services at DCARA in Fremont,  California.  From there, he moved on to University of California Berkeley, where he coordinated interpreting services and was an academic adviser for deaf students.  At Berkeley, he produced an Arts Festival called "Celebration: Deaf Artists and Performers ". Not long after "Celebration,  he decided to get his Masters of Arts in TV and Film at New York University.  He interpreted on the side for Theater, both on and off Broadway. 

4. How did he became an interpreter?
His First day at college (California State University,  Hayward in 1974 - 1978), he was told he could take sign language class as his foreign language  requirement.  Someone needed an interpreter for a English Vocabulary class and he was thrown in without knowing the first thing about interpreting.

5. Have he been involved anythings at Deaf Community?
1. News (November 2021)
2. The View (February 2022)
3. Kelly Clarkson (March 18th, 2022)
4. Drew Barrymore (March 22nd, 2022)
5. Gallaudent University (Bobbi Carbano) (March 22nd, 2022)
6. White House (President Joe Biden and his wife Jill) (March 24th, 2022)

MY COMMENTS: Someday I hope meet a person. 

Troy Kotsur

                       Troy Kotsur 

1. Are he born deaf and causes?
He was deaf when he was 9 months old and

2. Did he went to deaf school?
Yes, he went to Phoenix Day School For The Deaf then transferred Westwood High School in Mesa, Arizona. 

3. When did he graduated at Gallaudent University?
He graduated in 1989 at Gallaudent University. 

4. What courses did he take?
He studied Theatre, Television and Film. 

5. Why did he liked Star Wars?
When he was 8 years old, he fell in love with Star Wars and its visual Storytelling. 

6. How old did he actor?
When he was 9 years old. 

7.  Have he been involved anythings at Deaf Community?

1. Sue Thomas FB EYE 2002 - 2005 and Espodes 5
2. Deaf West Theatre 
3. CSI: New York 2006 and Espodes "Silent Night"
4. Criminal Minds 2012
5. Wild Praise Rose 2016
6. Star Wars 2021
7. CODA August 2022

MY COMMENTS: Congratulations Troy, he did won awards of Best Supporting Actor,  Best Adapted and Best Picture. 

Troy and his deaf wife Deanne Bray. (Former Sue Thomas FB EYE)

MY COMMENTS: Someday I hope meet a person.